When We Are Connected
Beyond our mind is a place. It’s beyond thinking. It’s beyond comprehending. It’s beyond believing. It’s the place of direct experience.
Some of us experience this in meditation. Some experience this while exercising. Some will even experience it while traveling to a new place. I don’t know what this place is called, but I know it when I am there. It is a place of deep peace and contentment. It is a place where the opinions of other people don’t matter anymore. It is the connection to Source.
What is Source? Source is anything that gives you a feeling of safety. It is anything that will give you that feeling of being connected to everything around you. When you encounter your Source you know it. There is never a doubt. Never any ambiguity about what this is. We all have a different name for it. Some call it God. Some will call it The One. Some will call it Nature. Some will call it Mother Earth. Whatever name you attach to it is fine. But, we all know when it is present.
Writers experience this connection when they write. There is often a feeling of being led to a place you are not aware of until you get there. Writers (including myself) will often tell of an inner voice (yes, we sometimes hear voices:) pointing us towards the next path to go down. It is sometimes a scary thing to allow the voice to lead us. But, when we allow ourselves to listen to that voice it will often lead us to a beautiful place. Only after we arrive and uncover the message will we understand the message it has for us.
I would entertain the idea that it’s not just writers that experience it though. I believe painters, musicians, architects, sculptures, and other creative types all know exactly what I’m describing. It is a special nirvana of sorts. It is that inner room type of experience that brings us closer to everything and everyone around us. It helps us to tap into that special reservoir of knowing that which is beyond words.
I believe that we all need a connector to find this place. I believe we can all relate to sitting on the seashore and looking out over the vast ocean, and feeling more connected. When I scuba dive I certainly feel it. When I go for a hike in the woods I will feel it. When I listen to a symphony orchestra I will feel it. Sitting down and having a wonderful conversation with a loved one will always connect me. What I’m reminding us of is that we are meant to be connected to others and to life itself. What I’m reminding us of is that there are an infinite number of ways that we can connect.
I am an introvert, and quite proud of it these days. And, one of the traits of an introvert is the absolute necessity to find time to be alone and to recharge. It is in this alone time that I can find my connection to Source. This is when flow happens. This is when those thoughts from beyond just seem to find their way into my consciousness. Sometimes when I’m alone the thoughts come so fast that I cannot type fast enough to keep up with them. It’s exhilarating when it happens. And, it doesn’t always happen. When it does it’s amazing. It’s healing. It’s a bonding experience with Source. This is one of the joys of being alive. It is one of the reasons to be alive. Being able to tap into the energy that is beyond all time.
I hope that you have something that connects you to that Source. When you find it, you will absolutely know you found it. There will be no doubt. And, when you do life will have more meaning for you. You will have a profound sense that your life has more meaning. You will know that you are meant to be here now. Find your Source, and you will have found your soul.
Here, I believe is the most profound truth about all of this. If we are really attentive anything and everything will ultimately be able to connect us with Source. In reality, everything is a part of everything else. We are all one. Therefore, there is no way to disconnect from Source. In the realm of the spiritual we are all connected at all times. Therefore, every experience in life is an opportunity to connect with Source. It may seem that there are special inroads to this experience, but in truth everyone and everything is a way to experience Source. When we know this truth as our experience life truly becomes a place of contentment beyond any way on our part to describe it.