Waves, and the Calm Underneath
I am a scuba diver. I love the ocean. I love being under the surface.
I was diving recently. When I jumped in, there were 3–4 foot waves on the surface. Pretty bumpy being on the boat.
When I descended to 60 feet below the water was completely calm. No waves or surge. It was blissfully peaceful.
This is perfect analogy for life isn’t it. Our lives can get quite chaotic and stormy. The waves of emotions, circumstances, and outer experiences are enough to keep us off balance. And, then there is the occasional big wave that completely throws us. A medical condition, an accident, a financial setback. They are all possible at any time.
How do we manage these waves? How can remain calm in the face of the world that is always coming at us?
My solutions are varied. I would like to share some here in the hopes that you can relate to one or many of them. My hope is to remind you of the resources that you have to stay peaceful on a daily basis.
1. I start every day with meditation and prayer. My wife and I sit on our back porch, and read some spiritual material and then enter into quiet meditation. It always starts my day off right.
2. As an introvert I need my alone time. A lot of it. This is key to me staying peaceful. I center myself again, so I can face the world in a calm and focused manner.
3. I exercise at least 3x every week. When I exercise, I find myself getting calmer. I can withstand more stress when I can release the tension by getting in touch with my body.
4. Talk about my feelings with a trusted friend or loved one. The connection I feel when I talk with my wife or friend will often bring me back to a centered and peaceful place.
5. Do an inventory at the end of my day. I evaluate how my day went. When I go to sleep, I do so at peace. I try not to go to bed with unresolved feelings. In this way, I set myself up for a good nights rest.
I hope that you are able to find the peace amidst the chaos of the outside world. Even if there are big waves of stress in your life today, remember that you can get underneath them to a place where it is calm. That is my wish for you today.