The Miracles of Everyday Life
All of us can think of miracles that have happened to us or other people.
How about the car accident that you were not involved in? How about the health issue that suddenly reversed itself? How about the person who called you at the exact moment you were thinking of them?
But, what about the everyday miracles? Do we consider these?
Here is an example from everyday life. I open my refrigerator in the morning, and it is full of fresh food. How do it all get there? Yes, either my wife or myself bought it at the grocery store. How did it get it to the store? Who planted the seeds? Who harvested the food? Who packaged it? Who delivered to the store? Who stocked the shelves? When I think about these things, I realize that so many people have helped to keep our refrigerator full.
Yes, I think about these things. And, this is a miracle in my world.
Our lives are full of these little miracles. When I go in the bathroom, I turn a knob and water comes out. That’s a miracle.
When I pull up to a gas pump I open the side of my car, pour gas into it, and it runs again for another 300 miles or so. How does it do that? It’s a miracle.
How about going even more basic. How about the fact that I wake up in the morning. My heart has been beating all night without any help from me. That’s a miracle.
My point of these brief real life examples is that if we were truly able to tap in the miracles of everyday living then our sense of gratitude would just be amazing. I take a lot of things for granted. I get frustrated by the lack of speed of my progress. I get frustrated by things not going the way I think they should. Much of this would simply vanish if I would just embrace the miracles of everyday life. The fact that I have any life at all would (it seems) to be enough to keep me in gratitude 24/7.
This is how I try to live my life. I try to remember the simple joys of living. When things get stressful it’s good get back to basics. The basics are that I’m alive. I get another chance to live this amazing life.
A life built on gratitude will be able to withstand any storm that comes. Noticing the miracles keeps me spiritually fit. It keeps me happy.
What are the things in your own world that maybe you take for granted, but that after reading this article would cause you to have more gratitude for?
I would be so interested in hearing from you about what your everyday miracles are. Please share them with me. Maybe together we can help our planet have a little more gratitude. Maybe we can all feel a little bit more peace and joy.
I look forward to hearing from you.