Member-only story
Slowing Down Creates an Opportunity
You are not alone
During this time of social distancing and disruption of my life, I have a great opportunity to practice a lot of self-care.
Like so many, the disruption of my routines has created an opening to explore creative avenues. Since being at home I have been writing, exercising, and spending lots of time speaking with friends and family. The crisis has opened doors to opportunities that didn’t seem available to me before. They were available, but I was not aware of them. I was too busy.
Slowing down has enabled me to see parts of my personal life that I need to work on. This has been painful. It is painful to see the parts of me that are still selfish and full of fear. It is not easy to admit the faults that I still have. It is difficult to admit that I still have lots of things in my personal world that need attending to.
These things that need addressing have always been there. But I was covering up the feelings with busyness. I was moving so fast I didn’t realize what needed to be addressed. Now that I am moving slower, I see them very clearly.
This is the moment that I need to invite compassion into my heart. My heart is big enough to allow it in. All the work that I have done on myself over the years has made me ready to endure and in fact thrive in this new…