Remembering the Truth of Who You Are
If you have followed me or my blogs, you know that I believe strongly in the idea that we are one. I believe that your issues are my issues, and that what you struggle with I struggle with. I also believe that because I matter as a human being, you must also matter. I believe that when we come to know this powerful truth of being one we will become even more powerful agents for good in this world.
I also believe that we have beautiful unique qualities that identify us as important and special to this world. I believe we are all different.
How can I square these two ideas of being unique with the idea of being the one with everyone else?
Allow me to discuss the Venn Diagram. The Venn Diagram is a diagram that represents overlapping ideas. In other words, it shows there are always similarities between disparate ideas or situations. I believe this applies to us as human beings.
As human beings we have similar traits. These include the ability to love, the ability to feel emotions, and the right to be treated with dignity and respect. There are no humans in my opinion that are outside of this. It is true of course that many humans have forgotten this truth. In my opinion, this is why we have seen such inhumane treatment of people over the eons. Either someone has believed that an “other” was someone non-human, or they believe themselves to be incapable of being fully human. So much pain and misery has befallen us, because of this forgetting. It is not because we are not worthy, or that people are evil that causes this. It is because some people have forgotten this truth.
This is why we need to remind each other of the truth of who we are. That we are the beautiful children of a loving Creator that thinks that we are absolutely magnificent just the way we are.
If we can establish (or remember) that we overlap this truth of human dignity with everyone then we are on our way to learn how to connect with one another better. It is certainly easier to connect with another when we believe that the other person is in fact worthy of dignity and respect. It is this dignity and respect of one another that will move us towards each other.
As we embrace the Venn Diagram of humanity we will see those ideas of devaluing another will melt away. The more we see how similar we are, the more we will honor each other.
We are different. This is the beauty of humanity. We have different skin colors, different body shapes, and different genders. It is truly remarkable how different we are. This is what makes us so magnificent! Each one of us has an important role in this world. We all have different gifts that bless our world.
I believe we can celebrate our differences and also honor that we are all one. We are all one beautiful mosaic.
I invite you to look at how you are similar to others, and how your unique qualities bless this world.