It’s an Abundant Universe. There is Plenty Left for You.
The computer doesn’t start fast enough. The red light doesn’t change fast enough. The waiter doesn’t bring the menu fast enough. The car in front of me isn’t going fast enough. And, so on…
Life just doesn’t just move fast enough. I’m not healing fast enough. I’m not changing fast enough. And, so on…
I could go on about the many frustrations that I encounter every single day. Every day is an opportunity for me to get angry, bewildered, and downright frustrated that life is not going fast enough.
What is this energy of impatience about? Is it that I’m not getting what I want when I want it? Or, is it something deeper?
For me, it seems to be about the fear that if things don’t move faster I am going to miss out on the things that other people seem to be able to take advantage of. It really is a fear of deprivation. It is the fear that other people now have access to something that I don’t, because I could not get there fast enough to get it.
This idea that others have access to something I don’t has deeper roots. It is the thought that only certain people have access to certain things, and that other people do not have access to them. Simply put, I don’t want to be in the group that missed out.
Do I believe that certain groups have access to things that other people don’t? Yes I do. Do I believe that this is how it should be? No. But, I do think it is a reality of life that certain groups are prevented from getting access to things. Think of racial inequality, gender inequality, pay inequality, and many other limitations put on certain groups just because they were born a certain color, gender, or belong to a particular religion.
This fear of missing out is running in the background in my subconscious when I am driving down the highway on my way to an important appointment, and suddenly there is a traffic jam. It happens when my computer crashes when I’m creating an important document. It’s all subconscious, but it’s there.
How do I possibly combat this incessant fear of missing out? I think it starts with acknowledging that I’m in fear of losing out. Just admit it. Just say it out loud if I need to. I think that if I can acknowledge my fear then I can move past it. Maybe even laugh at it.
Then, once I admit it I think it’s important to move towards a solution. What is the solution to fear? It is love. It is love for myself. It is love for others. It is believing that all of my needs will be met. Maybe, all of my wants will not be met. It is ok if all of my wants don’t get met. All of my needs will get met.
I also believe that if I do a simple act today for someone who does not have access to the same things I can help build a bridge between myself and that group of people. It is about in some ways making amends for all of the attitudes that I have held towards a particular group that has kept me feeling separate from them. Ultimately, it is this sense of separation that keeps me in fear. When I feel a part of I don’t feel fear. This connection is healing. It brings me into the present moment again. It makes me realize that maybe the traffic jam needed to happen. Maybe the computer needed to crash. Maybe things don’t always have to go my way. Can I still believe that all is well when things don’t go my way? Can I believe that there is still a Force in the universe that is looking out for me, even when I don’t realize it?
Impatience is ultimately about separation. Patience comes when I reconnect with my true self, when I can see that there is a divine plan at work, and when I can hold others as being worthy of the same dignity, love, and access to good that is available to me.
What can you do today to feel more patient? How can you make more connections with those around you?