Member-only story
Gentleness Will Heal You
When reminded of your past, remember you are loved
I think we all have parts of ourselves we don’t accept.
I think if we are really honest with ourselves, we have parts of ourselves we don’t like.
Yes. Even us spiritually-minded folks.
Being spiritual doesn’t exempt anyone from being human. After all, we are in this body for a time, even though it is very short.
I had such a day today. I was reminded of several parts of my past that still emotionally haunt me and cause me shame and embarrassment. I’m not going to go into details here. That’s a discussion for another forum perhaps.
But, I will tell you that it reminded me of the days when my life was not so good, and when I made some really poor decisions made for all of the wrong reasons. I was a mess, to put it bluntly.
Today, my life is very different. I live a beautiful life. It is peaceful (at least outwardly), and I am deeply loved by many people.
This current situation does not take away the pain of past mistakes. I still have to work through them. The past doesn’t just simply go away because I have changed. I just have gotten better at handling it.