Member-only story
Finding Your Way Home May Not be so Difficult After All
Have you ever been lost? I mean totally lost. Like, where you have no idea how to get back to where you came from? I don’t know if I can say that I have. I have heard survival stories of people being lost in the wilderness and not being found until days later. I have not experienced that kind of lost.
But I have experienced feeling lost in my life. It is that feeling of not quite knowing what the next right thing to do is. It is the state of restlessness where no matter what action I take it just doesn’t feel right. I lack direction and energy when I feel lost.
Why do we feel lost sometimes? I believe it may be because we have exhausted a pursuit and haven’t quite found the next one yet. Maybe we are in between jobs or relationships, or we want to end a painful situation and just do not know how.
Whatever the cause is, we feel lost. It’s scary to feel lost and unmotivated.
There are things we can do when we feel this way. I believe that a key to getting unstuck is to acknowledge that we are stuck. Just admit it. Without shame and without anger, we say that we need help to get out of the doldrums.
The next thing we can do is to reach out and tell a friend. Connect with somebody who cares about you. This person knows you already and doesn’t need a…