Can’t Wait to See Your Brilliance
The light of my Creator is so beautiful that I can forget my troubles.
When I step into the light, it is so bright that it blinds me. It blinds me from the hurts, the pains, and the parts of myself that I cannot accept. These are the parts of me I don’t think are lovable. I cannot see these parts when I am blinded by the light.
There was a time when I lived in darkness. I could not believe in myself. It was a place of hopelessness. Many people go there in their lives. Many don’t survive. For some reason I survived. I’m only beginning to discover why.
Many people do not understand why they exist. I was one of them. I had lost my way. I believed that I was off track somehow. People around me seemed to be able to discover what they wanted out of life. I could not. It was a frustrating existence. It was painful.
I coped with this by trying to get rid of the pain. I found many ways to do this. None of them worked.
A made a tremendous discovery. I could not run from myself.
Then I made another tremendous discovery. I did not want to run from myself anymore.
Something happened to me in 2018. After years of painful repression of my writing, I began to let people know what I thought about the world. It seemed to be a blessing to others. I got feedback that I was helping other people.
This was amazing to me.
I have always had trouble understanding the meaning of my life. The letting go of my fears came as a surprise. It was a relief. I was able to find a way to not care about what other people thought about me. I knew that I was trying to convey something important.
I believe in the power of the human spirit. I love stories of heroes. I love the over comer. I love seeing people recover from seemingly hopeless situations. I love it, because it is the story of my life.
You have a story of overcoming. You have overcome something in your own life that seemed impossible to overcome. I know this, because you are human being. Every human being has a story. When we allow these stories out, we become a witness to the power and the magic of redemption. It is one of coming up against an impossible situation, and then finding a way to get through it.
When we find the courage to work through an impossible situation, we give hope to others who feel the same way.
There is someone in your life who is struggling with something. Maybe it’s you.
I know that you have the power to overcome, because you have already been through so much. Our own history will bear witness to the hero in us.
In my life, my journey has brought me to a place where I am allowing my writing to touch other people’s lives. I frankly don’t know how or why I am in this position. I don’t know why it’s resonating with people. I don’t even know where it comes from half the time. But, what I do know is that there is a Force working through me that is helping to bring a little light to this world. I am not the source of this light. I am a messenger. I am a vessel. We are all messengers. We are all vessels. Each one of us has something that needs to be expressed. And, the world needs you to hear it. We are all equally important to the fabric of the beautiful human consciousness. Each one of us contributes in some way to the healing that our planet needs right now.
I hope that in the depths of your soul you will accept this truth. I hope that you will see how beautifully you contribute to the evolution of us all. Your time here is short; however your soul is eternal. You were born with many truths that we need to hear. Let this precious life of yours be a shining example of redemption that we all need to hear. I’m glad you’re here. I can’t wait to see your next display of brilliance in this world.