Member-only story
A Squirrel Gave Us Hope
Nature is a great teacher
The squirrel looked straight at us. It was as if his eyes were looking into ours. It was as if he knew we needed him to tell us something.
My wife and I have been coming out to this butterfly garden the past two weeks to get some fresh air.
All of this social distancing requires a daily outdoor activity, both to get exercise and to remind us that all may be OK.
The squirrel looked like he was telling us to slow down. He was checking in on us.
What were we to learn from this interaction? What message can we take away?
Listen carefully.
He was a reminder that the planet needs to slow down. The cars need to stop spewing pollution into our precious lungs. The streams need to stop being the dumping ground for our poisonous chemicals. The seas need to be left alone to regenerate.
If our friend could speak he might say that the virus will not destroy us. He might say that we will be OK.
He is also a reminder that more time is needed to connect with our Creator. He is reminding us that the slowing down of our economy will create new businesses. Creativity will thrive. New ideas will be born. People will learn once again slow down enough to listen to…